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Gut Health

Digestive Plaque: The Hidden Enemy Disrupting Your Gut’s Balance

Digestive Plaque: The Hidden Enemy to Gut Balance

Are you searching for ways to restore your gut balance? Learn more about one of the root causes of your digestive issues: digestive plaque. Also known as biofilms. This article will explore what digestive plaque is and the symptoms. We will also discuss some ways to eliminate it from your gut.

RELATED: How A Healthy Gut Can Reduce Inflammation

In this article:

  1. From Periodontal Disease to Digestive Plaque
  2. What Is the Digestive Plaque?
  3. The Effects of Digestive Plaque on the Intestines
  4. You Need More Than Probiotics for Digestive System
  5. Digestive Plaque and BIOHM Probiotics
  6. How to Build a Digestive System with BIOHM

Digestive Plaque | How It Ruins the Gut and How to Crumble the Wall

From Periodontal Disease to Digestive Plaque

Since we were kids, it’s been drilled into our heads that if we don’t brush and floss, we’re going to have plaque build up on our teeth. Dental plaque is colorless. If you run your tongue on your teeth, you can feel how gritty and sticky it is. The stickiness comes from saliva and leftover particles of food and beverages you eat. That’s not all--it can contain loads of bacteria.

The more you eat starches and sugars in your diet, the more the plaque can build up and the bacteria can accumulate. Unless you do something about it, such as getting your teeth cleaned, tartar can form. At this stage, it will be difficult to remove it by tooth brushing. Worse, it can lead to periodontal disease or the inflammation of the gums. The bacteria in plaque can produce toxins that can irritate the gum line, causing it to swell. If you don’t pay attention, the disease can progress. It can affect the bones and connective tissues, and the only treatment available is to remove the teeth.

But did you know that plaque doesn’t only affect your oral health? t can also disrupt your digestive health, too. That’s exactly what a world-class team of researchers proved at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center. Dr. Ghannoum and his team discovered that bad bacteria and bad fungus work together to create the digestive plaque. The discovery made worldwide news and was covered by media outlets such as CBS News, Scientific American, Forbes, USA Today, and the Huffington Post.

What Is the Digestive Plaque?

Digestive plaque is a very thick wall of organisms. This forms along the lining of your gut. Some medical professionals believe that mucoid plaque is the combination of an unhealthy substance and food residue. Therefore, the intestines can often store large amounts of partially digested matter. As well as other toxic chemicals for many years.

This film of digestive plaque is believed to have been created to protect the body. From toxic compounds, bad bacteria, and fungi. As a result, all of these can wreak havoc on your digestive system, especially the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it can also help to protect your body from alcohol, heavy metals, and acidic by-products.

Many people in the health industry believe that if you have digestive plaque, then your body will struggle to function. As a result, healing cannot be at its optimal performance. For instance, this is why mucoid plaque cleanse programs have been created. A mucoid plaque cleanse is meant to effectively remove the toxins. As well as other unhealthy substances from the lining of your colon.

But what does digestive plaque look like? Depending on the condition of the individual’s intestines, it can vary in texture. It can be:

  • Hard and Brittle
  • Firm and Thick
  • Soft and Thin
  • Wet and Rubbery

It can also vary in color too from light brown, green-black, black, yellow, or grey.

BIOHM gut quiz

The Effects of Digestive Plaque on the Intestines

Like the human oral microbiome, bacteria, fungi, and viruses living in the gut are necessary for learning how to balance the digestive system. They play different key roles. The problem occurs when an imbalance happens due to the buildup of digestive plaque. It can mean there will be more bad bacteria and fungi, and your gut’s microbiome will be out of balance. An unbalanced microbiome may lead to the following gastrointestinal issues:

1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Also known as IBS, it is a cluster of symptoms that affects the large intestine. IBS can be acute or chronic, which means it becomes recurrent. Some of the common symptoms include bouts of abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and changes in bowel pattern. It means you may have diarrhea or constipation more often than you expect. The symptoms are usually mild, but when they become severe, they can also be life life-threatening or result in dehydration, weight loss, and rectal bleeding.

2. Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut is a term that refers to the loose permeability of the small intestine. Picture the small intestine with a barrier that has small gaps. These gaps should allow only the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to pass through and reach the bloodstream. They also prevent toxic substances from entering the intestines or the bloodstream. The gradual buildup of bad fungi and bacteria may affect the strength of this barrier. In the process, it becomes more permeable or leaky.

3. Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease is chronic inflammation of the GI tract. It is the destruction of all the mucous layers, although lesions or ulcers appear in patches. Some of the symptoms include recurrent diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, reduced appetite, rectal bleeding, and unexplained weight loss. A 2017 review published in Digestive and Live Disease revealed people with this inflammatory bowel disease tend to have an imbalance of fungi and bacteria. They may have more Candida tropicalis, Escherichia coli (or E. coli), and Serratia marcescens. These three organisms can then band together to create the digestive plaque biofilm that can only worsen the inflammation.

RELATED: Your Microbiome May Be The Reason Your Diet Crashed

You Need More Than Probiotics for Digestive System

But how do you successfully get rid of digestive plaque? Digestive plaque is normally a perfectly healthy response. However, when your body is exposed to illness it will develop a protective layer. As a result, this layer of mucus will help to lubricate those affected areas to help eliminate it from the body. Although, when we consume far too many toxic chemicals through our diet and environment, this can cause an issue. Our body will then form a protective layer to naturally prevent damage.

If you continually put toxins into your body, it will begin to react to these sources as an irritant to the gut. As a result, when you consume them, your body will develop more mucus in order to protect itself. Over time this mucus layer will become more and more difficult for the body to eliminate. This will then lead to uncomfortable symptoms.

If you are looking for ways to eliminate mucoid plaque, may we suggest the following:

  • Eat fermented foods such as sauerkraut or kimchi to increase the number of good bacteria
  • Do a coffee enema to help the colon get rid of the sludge
  • Perform a colon cleanse (mucoid plaque cleanse) to remove the toxins building up in the intestines
  • Consume more food rich in dietary fiber to help feed the good bacteria
  • Take magnesium to help regulate the stomach acids and the bowel movements

What Is a Coffee Enema? It is a colon cleanse process that works by introducing brewed coffee into the anus. It is said to stimulate the colon and bile flow from the liver. Most of all, it is recommended that you consume more probiotics. These are substances that contain millions of friendly bacteria to increase their number in the gut flora fast.

Foods to Eliminate Digestive Plaque

There is one key way to begin eliminating digestive plaque. That is to remove what is causing the irritation in your gut lining. Many foods can help to remove the build up of digestive plaque. Here are some foods to avoid in your diet, to naturally reduce the risk of digestive plaque build-up:

  • Alcohol
  • Fatty Meat
  • Fried Foods
  • Sugary Beverages
  • Sugary Foods
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Caffeine

Just as you can help to eliminate digestive plaque by limiting your intake of certain foods. It can also be helpful to add some new foods into your diet. To sum up, here are some natural ways to prevent digestive plaque without a cleanse:

  • Celery
  • Dark Leafy Green Vegetables
  • Fresh Ginger
  • Slippery Elm
  • Fresh Berries and Citrus Fruits
  • Asparagus
  • Fresh Garlic

Overall, all of these foods will help to restore your body’s proper mucus secretion. In addition, they will also help your body to remove and dislodge mucoid plaque.

Digestive Plaque and BIOHM Probiotics

Dr. Ghannoum realized that probiotics containing good bacteria alone would be very unlikely to have an effect on the digestive plaque. They would never be able to get through and neutralize the bad organisms hiding behind the protection of the digestive plaque. He realized that the best hope of attacking the problem and maintaining digestive balance would be to create a probiotic that combined good bacteria with good fungus. It is an enzyme that he suspected could have an effect on the digestive plaque. He named his probiotic BIOHM.

How to Build a Digestive System with BIOHM

Much to his delight, when he looked into the electron microscope, he found that BIOHM was able to completely break down digestive plaque. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words!

Digestive Plaque without BIOHM


Digestive Plaque Destroyed by BIOHM

As you can see above, when BIOHM was added, the digestive plaque was completely destroyed. The infographic below shows exactly how BIOHM works to break down the digestive plaque and maintain a total balance of the microbiome.


BIOHM is a three-step process:

  1. BIOHM first breaks down the digestive plaque, exposing the millions of bad bacteria and fungi.
  2. The gentle digestive enzymes then neutralize these harmful microorganisms once protected by the plaque.
  3. The gut then re-balances while the BIOHM supports the healing process by infusing over 30 billion live cultures.

Watch this short video where Dr. Ghannoum talks about digestive plaque from BIOHM Health:

BIOHM is the first probiotic engineered to combine both good bacteria and fungi, along with a powerful enzyme to break through the plaque-like protective wall formed by bad bacteria and bad fungi deep within your gut. It uses a whole microbiome approach to gently maintain balance in your digestive system, helping support your journey to achieve optimal health and wellness from within.

In a randomized placebo controlled clinical trial BIOHM Total Probiotic was shown to:

✅ Reduce bloating*
✅ Reduce abdominal discomfort*
✅ Improve gut function ratings (GSRS)*
✅ Reduce mild constipation*
✅ Reduce flatulence*

*In a randomized, placebo-controlled study in 60 healthy adults over 6 weeks, BIOHM FX significantly improved self-reported ratings of gut function, mild bloating and abdominal discomfort compared to placebo (P<0.05). BIOHM FX also improved other measures of gut function within the treatment group after 6 weeks.

To learn more about BIOHM, click HERE.

How do you take care of your gut health? Let’s talk in the comments section below!

Up Next:

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on February 27, 2017, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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